New Patent-Pending Analytic Solution Added to Popular Holding Pattern App Reducing Pilot Workload
We excited to announce version 2.0 of our popular Holding Pattern Computer, now with a patent-pending analytic solution that for the first time, calculates everything a Pilot will need to roll out precisely onto the inbound leg and fly it for exactly the prescribed time or distance, regardless of wind direction or speed.
Aviation Mobile Apps was selected as the $20,000 Grand Challenge Winner for the Position Reporting app.
New app helps IFR pilots calculate holding patterns
It’s fair to say that instrument pilots are most confident with holding procedures on the day of their instrument rating checkride, and the knowledge and skills slowly fade over time as unexpected holding is rarely required during normal IFR flying. Sure, many RNAV instrument approaches are now using holding patterns as the primary method for course reversal, but there isn’t much for the pilot to think about since the GPS does all the work.
How To Use Holding Pattern Computer Now On Prezi
This short Prezi presentation will highlight the steps in calculating a holding pattern.
Prezi is a visual storytelling software alternative to traditional slide-based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like, schematic overview that lets users pan between topics at will, zoom in on desired details, and pull back to reveal context.
With an app from, you will always know when it is good to fly!
Used by pilots in their pre-flight briefing, a METAR report contains pertinent information including winds, visibility, clouds, temperature and other observed weather conditions useful for flight planning. collects weather reports from a worldwide network of aviation weather stations and color codes them to the appropriate flight category and displays them in a calendar-style format, helping you to see trends at a glance.
New Video Introduces GPS Coordinate Converter for Pilots and Navigators
Pilot Shortage Climbing
New survey confirms pilot shortage has hit General Aviation!, an aviation job advertisement website, has completed its annual surveyof more than 200 Part 91 and 135 operators, which shows that flight hours are down as more companies are impacted by the pilot shortage.
Loss of control in flight continues to be the biggest killer in general aviation
NTSB: Loss of control in flight is biggest killer in general aviation
The data from 2008 and 2014 indicates that loss of control in flight continues to be the biggest killer in general aviation, accounting for nearly half of fatal fixed-wing general aviation accidents. The accidents resulted in 1,194 fatalities.
How To Read a METAR Report
Aviation Mobile Apps Launches GPS Coordinate Converter - Easy, Fast Way to Convert Coordinates Between Standard Formats
New Holding Pattern App for Pilots Is the First of Its Kind to Include Wind Computations
DALLAS, May 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Aviation Mobile Apps has launched Holding Pattern Computer for iOS, an app that goes a step beyond others in its category. Unlike other holding pattern apps, Holding Pattern Computer takes the wind into account and makes all the calculations that a pilot needs to fly a perfectly timed holding pattern. Photo -
About Aviation Mobile Apps, LLC.
Aviation Mobile Apps, LLC is a provider of public apps for pilots and private enterprise-grade mobile app development for the aviation industry. Apps for recreational and commercial pilots include myE6B Aviation Calculator, METARs Aviation Weather, GPS Coordinate Converter, and Holding Pattern Computer.