How To Use Holding Pattern Computer Now On Prezi
This short Prezi presentation will highlight the steps in calculating a holding pattern.
Prezi is a visual storytelling software alternative to traditional slide-based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like, schematic overview that lets users pan between topics at will, zoom in on desired details, and pull back to reveal context.
Our Holding Pattern Computer makes it easy for the student pilot and seasoned pilots alike solve the most common planning and navigating problems related to flying a holding pattern.
This advanced computer calculates wind correction angles, headings, and required timings, given the assigned fix, your speed, and virtually any wind direction and velocity.
It shows which entry procedure is appropriate and helps the pilot remain mentally oriented to the aircraft's relative position to the pattern, to magnetic north, and any effects of wind.
If you want that perfectly timed inbound leg, then this app is for you!
You can learn more at